PopKitchen Co. | The BAI at Brown University
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The BAI at Brown University

The Brown Arts Initiative reached out to PopKitchen to create a visual identity for their new program that houses six academic departments and two affiliated programs in the performing, literary and visual arts. The BAI seeks to cultivate creative expression and foster an interdisciplinary environment where faculty and students learn from on another and from artists and scholars in a wide range of fields across the campus and around the world.


The BAI identity is motivated and based on the letters “B” “A” and “I” — or the words “Brown Arts Initiative.” By basing our forms on these initial letters/words, the visual language will always be grounded, more to the meaning inherent in these important letters/words. The letters B, A and I are conceived as a matrix that generates an ever-changing pattern of lyrical, linear forms. Depending on how these linear forms are color-coded, determines whether the letters B A I are recognized as discrete letter forms — or enjoyed as purely abstract forms. This creative tension — the tension between the known and unknown, between order and disorder, between centralization and decentralization — is an essential aspect of the arts. It is also an essential aspect of the BAI. While the BAI is an organization, an umbrella entity, it is also a collection of disparate departments and disciplines thriving both individually and in concert with one another.